Currently, I am an Associate Professor of Scientific Computing at the Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) Department of Data Science as well as a research associate in the Computational Hydraulics Group at the Oden Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, and an adjunct senior research scientist at Simula Research Laboratory Department of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing. Prior to joining NMBU and Simula, I was also a postdoc funded by an individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions project working with Kent-Andre Mardal. I attended the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology where I earned my Ph.D. in mechanical engineering supervised by Albert Romkes.
My work is in the development of finite element methods for PDEs where classical finite element methods typically fail to produce acceptable approximations. Currently, my focus is within the context of flood modeling (e.g., hurricane storm surge and riverine flooding) as well as modeling for hydropower applications.
October 9th 2024: Interviewed by NRK (Norwegian public broadcaster) about Hurricane Milton: Orkanen «Milton» har truffet land i Florida
November 5th 2024: Interviewed by Titan (University of Oslo popular science newspaper) about the flooding during the extreme weather Hans: Betre modellar kan redusera skadane etter ekstremver
November 25th 2024: Story on forskningsdata.no about the flooding during the extreme weather Hans: «Hans» var dyrare enn noko ekstremvêr før. Framtidige katastrofar kan bli meir forutseielege