- May 27-31 Visit Prof. Vadym Aizinger at University of Bayreuth, in Bayreuth, Germany
- June 3-7 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024) in Lisbon, Portugal
- July 21-26 World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2024) in Vancouver, British Columbia
- December 9-11 BatCAT Month 12 meeting, Kauserslautern, Germany
- November 5-7 - Norway – South Korea Research Networking Event, Seoul, South Korea
- October 1–6 - 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards in South Bend, Indiana
- August 3-4 Frontera Users Meeting in Austin, Texas
- July 23-27 - 17th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics in Albuquerque, New Mexico
- June 19-23 - SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences in Bergen, Norway
- June 11-17 - Visit Prof. Maciej Paszynski at AGH Universoty Krakow, Poland
- June 5-9 - Large-Scale Scientific Computations Conference in Sozopol, Bulgaria
- April 25-28 - IACM Computational Fluids Conference, Cannes, France,
- April 11 - Workshop in Honor of Leszek F. Demkowicz’s 70th Birthday in Austin, Texas
- March 4-14 - Visit Prof. Maciej Paszynski at AGH Universoty Krakow, Poland
- March 5-8 - KomplasTech Conference in Zakopane, Poland (Keynote lecture)
- February 26-March 3 - SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- February 23-25 Visit Prof. Barbara Wohlmuth at TUM, in Munich, Germany