
Additional links to preprints can be found on and ResearchGate. My published work can also be tracked on Google Scholar.


Dawson, C., Loveland, M., Pachev, B., Proft, J., Valseth, E. (2024) A Software Toolbox for Modeling Coastal Ocean Circulation, Storm Surges, Inland, and Compound Flooding. Accepted in Nature Natural Hazards [preprint]
Sikora, M., Serra, A.O., Siwik, L., Leszczyńska, N., Ciesielski, T.M., Valseth, E., Leszczyński, J., Paszyńska, A., Paszyński, M, (2024) Graph grammars and Physics Informed Neural Networks for simulating of pollution propagation on Spitzbergen. [preprint]

Scientific Articles

Łoś, M., Służalec, T., Paszyński, M., Valseth, E. (2025) Stabilization of isogeometric finite element method with optimal test functions computed from L2 norm residual minimization. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics [doi]
Maczuga, P., Łoś, M., Valseth, E., Serra, A.O., Siwik, L., Celaya, E.A., Paszyńska, A., Paszyński M., (2024) Simulating the aftermath of Northern European Enclosure Dam (NEED) break and flooding of European coast. Engineering with Computers [doi]
Wang, K., Chen, J., Valseth, E., Wells, G., Bettadpur, S., Jones, C.E., Dawson, C. (2024) Subtle Land Subsidence Elevates Future Storm Surge Risks Along the Gulf Coast of the United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface [doi]
Kazhyken, K., Valseth, E., Videman, J., Dawson, C. (2024) Application of a dispersive wave hydro-sediment-morphodynamic model in the Ria Formosa lagoon. Computational Geosciences [doi]
Loveland, M., Valseth, E., Meixner, J., Dawson, C. (2024) Efficacy of reduced order source terms for a coupled wave-circulation model in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Modelling [doi]
Valseth, E., Behnoudfar, P., Dawson, C., Romkes, A. (2024) Automatic Variationally Stable Analysis for Finite Element Computations: Transient Convection-Diffusion Problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications [doi]
Wichitrnithed, C., Valseth, E., Kubatko, E., Kang, Y., Hudson, M., Dawson, C. (2024) A Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Model for Compound Flood Simulations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [doi]
Loveland, M., Meixner, J., Valseth, E., Dawson, C. (2023) WAVEx: Stabilized Finite Elements for Spectral Wind Wave Models Using FEniCSx. Coastal Engineering [doi]
Pachev, B., Arora, P., del-Castillo-Negrete, C., Valseth, E., Dawson, C. (2023) A framework for flexible peak storm surge prediction. Coastal Engineering [doi]
Valseth, E., Buskey, E., Dawson, C. (2023) A Study of the Potential Effects of Deepening the Corpus Christi Ship Channel on Hurricane Storm Surge Journal of Computational Science [doi]
Chen, C., Dawson, C., Valseth, E. (2023) Cross-mode Stabilized Stochastic Shallow Water Systems Using Stochastic Finite Element Methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [doi]
Maczuga, P., Oliver-Serra, A., Paszynska, A., Valseth, E., Paszynski, M. (2022) Graph-Grammar Based Algorithm for Asteroid Tsunami Simulations. Journal of Computational Science (2022) [doi]
Loveland, M. Valseth, E., Lukac, M, Dawson, C. (2022) Extending FEniCS to Work in Higher Dimensions Using Tensor Product Finite Elements. Journal of Computational Science [doi]
Valseth, E., Dawson, C., (2021) A Stable Space-Time FE Method for the Shallow Water Equations Computational Geosciences [doi]
Valseth, E., Loveland, M., Dawson, C., Buskey, E., (2021) A Study of the Potential Impact of Dredging the Corpus Christi Ship Channel on Passive Particle Transport. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering [doi]
Valseth, E., Romkes, A., Kaul, A., Dawson, C., (2021) A Stable Mixed FE Method for Nearly Incompressible Linear Elastostatics International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering [doi]
Valseth, E., Romkes, A., Kaul, A.R. (2020) A Stable FE Method For the Space-Time Solution of the Cahn-Hilliard Equation Journal of Computational Physics [doi]
Valseth, E., Romkes, A. (2020) Goal-Oriented Error Estimation for the Automatic Variationally Stable FE Method for Convection-Dominated Diffusion Problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications [doi]
Calo, V.M., Romkes, A., Valseth, E. (2020) Variationally Stable Analysis for Finite Element Computations: An Introduction. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering: Barrenechea G., Mackenzie J. (eds) Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods BAIL 2018, Springer [doi]
Valseth, E., Dawson, C. (2020) An Unconditionally Stable Space-Time FE Method for the Korteweg-de Vries Equation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 371:113297, [doi]

Conference Proceedings

Bolland, S., Haraldsrud, A., Jensen, S., Strömbäck, F., Styve, A., Tøssebro, E., Valseth, E., Strømme, T., (2024). The Nordic Prior Knowledge Test in Programming: Motivation, Development and Preliminary Results 36TH NORWEGIAN ICT CONFERENCE FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION [available here]
Horsch, M. T., Romanov, D., Valseth, E., Belouettar, S., Córdova López, L. E., Glutting, J., Janssen, M. A., Klein, P., Linhart, A., Seaton, M. A., Dypvik Sødahl, E., Vizcaino, N., Werth, S., Stephan, S., Todorov, I. T., Chiacchiera, S., & Al Machot, F. (2024, July 30). Battery manufacturing knowledge infrastructure requirements for multicriteria optimization based decision support in design of simulation. International Workshop on Semantic Materials Science (SeMatS 2024), Amsterdam. [paper]


Contreras, M.T.V., Woods, B., Blakely, C., Wirasaet, D., Westerink, J.J., Cobell, Z., Pringle, W., Moghimi, S., Vinogradov, S., Myers, E., Seroka, G., Lalime, M., Funakoshi, Y., Westhuysen, A.V., Abdolali, A., Valseth, E., Dawson, C. (2023) A Channel-to-Basin Scale ADCIRC Based Hydrodynamic Unstructured Mesh Model for the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS CS 54 [available here]
Dawson, C., Loveland, M., Valseth, E. (2021) Potential Effects of Deepening of the Aransas Ship Channel on Particle Transport: Implications for Recruitment of Estuarine Dependent Larvae. UT Marine Science Institute Report [available here]
Valseth, E. and Dawson, C. (2021) Potential Effects of Deepening of the Corpus Christi Ship Channel on Hurricane Storm Surge: A Case Study. UT Marine Science Institute Report [available here]


Valseth, E. (2019). Automatic Variationally Stable Analysis for Finite Element Computations. Ph.D. Dissertation, South Dakota School of Mines and Technlology, Rapid City, South Dakota, U.S.A.